Our Physician - Cheryl Leonardi, M.D.

Cheryl Leonardi, M.D.
Internal Medicine
Phone: 410-997-4780
Fax: 410-997-3196
Dr. Leonardi has been in this practice since 1994. Although born in Ohio, she has spent most of her life in Maryland. She attended Loyola College as an undergraduate and worked in cornea research. She subsequently did research in neurophsychopharmacology at Johns Hopkins and worked in the Alzheimer and Dementia Clinics. She attended University of Maryland Medical School and completed her internal medicine residency program at York Hospital. Internal Medicine Board Certified, first in 1992 and recently re-certified in 2002. Special training and interests include:
- SCD certification in Bone Densitometry (Osteoporosis) screening
- Dermatology with training in Vasculite™ Laser and providing medical preventive maintenance for the largest organ of the body-Your SKIN.
Dr. Leonardi was married to her husband Brian in 2000, and lives happily in Ashton, Maryland.
Treatment Philosophy
In this age of specialists, information overload, and continuous health insurance changes it overwhelming to know where to start and whom you can trust to make effective health care recommendations for you. My goal is really your goal, maximizing all our resources for your optimal physical and mental health! In achieving this I put a strong emphasis on preventive care, early detection, and health maintenance. As your primary care physician, I partner with you to provide individualized care and guidance so that you make the best-informed decisions for YOU.
What is truly rewarding for me is working with a diverse combination of Men, Women, Young Adults, and Families optimizing a health maintenance program that meets the unique circumstances of each individual.